About Us

LGNN_Logo_BlackLondon Graphic Novel Network CIC is a community devoted to spreading the word about comic book groups and events in London libraries and beyond. Our network hosts monthly social groups, reading groups, and workshops each week at public libraries and art centres across London.


We also hold special events throughout the year, partnering with organisations and creators in the industry. We bring interactive events to the public, encouraging people to read graphic novels, and to borrow  them from their local library.

You can join our community by finding our various Library group at different libraries across London.

Our Book Club and Film Club posts are created by emails sent between members of the network, (hopefully) reaching some-sort of sweet spot between review, commentary, analysis and random nonsense. While capturing some of the fun and energy of a book-group in a way that others can enjoy.

If you would like to take part in our clubs too – join us.




If you would like to contact us, fill out the form below: